Start and Grow your Own Business

But Don't Do It Alone


Get your business started (FINALLY) with the support that you have been looking for.

Join a community of others, JUST LIKE YOU, looking to finally start and grow their own business. Learn from experts. Learn from each other. Just don't do it alone.

Start Here!

Walk With Us

Find Support

Grow with the support of others who are just like you and want to see you reach your goals as much as you do

Join Email List!

Constantly Learn

Be open to learn new methods and mindsets in the new community that will give you the tools to obtain success

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Make Progress

Use what you learn along with the community encouragement you will receive to reach your dreams

Join Email List!

Do I have what it takes to become an Entrepreneur?


- Have you EVER wanted to start your business but have never taken action?

- Have you STARTED a business (or two, or three...) but it didn't really take off?

- Do you currently HAVE a business but it really isn't doing anything?


Don't worry. You are NOT alone. Many of us "Never had a lemonade stand." We never took action or if we did, we didn't do it with the conviction we knew it needed to thrive.

That's OK. What most of us need is to know that we can be own self and not try to learn from those that are not like us. We also like to have a group of friends who are willing to walk this road alongside us.

The Nice Guy Entrepreneur is a group of others Just...Like...You...but maybe a step or two ahead, and willing to share what they have already learned.


Join today to do what you always wanted to do

Kickstart and grow your entrepreneurial journey by becoming a Nice Guy Entrepreneur.  It's okay. We're here for you and will walk alongside you to help you succeed.


The Nice Guy Entrepreneur Group

Our goal is to make Entrepreneurship Approachable for everyone. There is no specific DNA required to be successful. In my decades of working with business owners, over 50% of the successful ones were not what others would recognized as someone born an entrepreneur. We are here to show you and provide to you the things that you need to achieve your dream. You deserve it. Your family deserves it.


Learn how to get started without feeling like you have to be someone that you are not. Be yourself and be better because of it


Peer Support

Meet others that are in your shoes and who want to help you reach your dreams. They know that you will do the same in return



Sometimes we need that outside perspective to recognize the little things that will make big differences. Choose 1-on-1 or join a small group.


Live Training

Be the first to receive the education and motivation from experts in the entrepreneur community. Learn it from others that have been where you are now


I'm Dr. Shane Smith


Like you, I've struggled to get started. I used every excuse in the book to not truly get into the game. But after decades of learning as an entrepreneur and teaching to others, I have discovered how we 'Nice Guy Entrepreneurs' can get over those mental roadblocks and finally get started on a path to our own success.

Much of my life, I wondered if I could ever start my own business. The problem was, I was not like the typical 'Alpha Dog' with the so-called Entrepreneur DNA. I guess it wasn't in the cards.

But as I studied successful business owners and helped coach them to their own success, I realized that the majority of them were just like me...just like YOU.

You can be YOU!!!

Nice guys finish...and OUTLAST!

Sometimes we just need a little help to get Started.


"Every business owner should take your class"

- Gina Meier

"You made what used to feel uncomfortable, comfortable. I can't believe I waited this long."

- Stephen Baldini

"I did it! I finally got started and already landed 2 clients!"

- Luke O'Neil
Finally Do It. Get Moving.

Advance your Game

Sign-up today to be among the first to receive all the help and support you need.

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